Wednesday, July 13, 2005

307th Visitor Contest

That's right folks, Marquis has had nearly 307 visitors in its short but glorious history. Well it's really 307 visits, but let's not split hairs here...

In honor of this momentous accomplishment (as it was that 3 generations of a Chinese ruling family ensured the long-lasting success of a dynasty, so it is that 307 page views ensures the long-lasting success of a blog), I am offering the person who gets Marquis over the hump so to speak, a book containing every Marquis post ever written, along with a framed and signed copy of his or her favorite post. Let the refreshing contest begin.


  1. rich,

    we need more sports content. You're ignoring one of your great passions. You not inundating us with amazing sports posts is like a black inner city parent not being at turns too abusive and too lax with their kids.

  2. the person has spoken...more sports posts and other posts forthcoming...

    atlantic city took a drain on blogging time and resources, but was also inspirational material-wise...

  3. am i close to 307? my entire life the past week has consisted of switching back between maruis and, trying to become either #307 or #500 million. I need to know if i'm getting there, rich.

  4. heh...well, now marquis is nearing 407...BUT more content is forthcoming and that should push the site towards at least 523 or maybe higher
